20181024 104518
20181024 104518

From Gas Stations and Dry Cleaners to Restaurants and Residences

Puget Environmental’s Drilling and Excavation division contains a team of state-licensed geology and well drilling professionals that provide a variety of drilling, soil sampling and monitoring well instillation services at both residential and commercial properties.


Where needed, our customized equipment allows us to drill in limited access areas such as patios, side yards and basements that are inaccessible using typical drilling and sampling equipment.

Our Drilling & Sampling Services Include:

  • Manual and Truck-Mounted Direct-Push Drilling
  • Hollow-Stem Auger Drilling
  • Groundwater Monitoring and Well Installation
  • Soil, Groundwater and Vapor Sampling
  • Well Decommissioning
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20181024 104005 1 e1559253319212
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